Thursday, June 25, 2009

Reposted from Amie V gives some really great advice to Green Job Seekers! Thanks Amie!

The art of green networking: 15 tips from a reluctant schmoozer
Posted on September 18, 2008by Amie V.

These tips and tricks apply to all fields as far as I’m concerned, though they’re based on my experience in the world of green.

1. Keep track:keep a spreadsheet with contact info for everyone in your career network with details of when you met, who referred you to them, whether you’ve reached out to them, what they do etc... Keep separate lists of companies and organizations of interest, with contact at each if you have one, and resources to use during the job search.

2. Keep up on your industry: Particularly if you are entering a new field, read, read read. Sign up for all relevant email alerts and newsletters so that you don’t miss a beat. You need to understand the dynamics of the field you are working in and this can help you figure out your place in it.

3. Develop expertise: More than just basic knowledge, become an expert in your specific area of interest. Potential employers always want to see that you really care about something and will be able to become just such an expert on their issues. Blogging can be a great way to force yourself to do research and become an expert in your field of interest.

4. Attend events: Get in the loop on all relevant networking opportunities and go! GreenDrinks is one example.

5. Practice proactive introductions: Take the lead and introduce yourself in any networking situation. Often you have to suck it up and risk feeling awkward in order to connect with someone at a company you admire. When introducing yourself, always open with a compliment or other statement of genuine appreciation acknowledging you know of their work and/or company. People are much more likely to open up to this sort of welcoming introduction.

6. Understand that anyone can be a great connection, regardless of title: A lower level professional can be just as (if not more) valuable a contact than the CEO. While it feels good to leave an event having spoken with the most important person in the room, other people in that room may turn out to be much more useful contacts down the road, contacts who will have time to help you out and share their wisdom.

7. Make business cards even if you are unemployed: It feels good to have something to hand out. And people will be more likely to remember you, not to mention reach out.

8. Follow-up! Develop and practice post event etiquette: write details of everyone you meet on their cards so you won’t forget who they are, what you talked about. Enter their basic info into a spreadsheet. Send emails to as many as youcan saying that it was great to meet, and including a reminder of what you discussed, in case they forgot already, and suggesting a follow-up meeting or conversation where appropriate, say if you have common interests or there is potential for collaboration on a project. At the least remind them what you are interested in and request they keep you in mind.

9. Give introductions and resources: In a networking situation, we all have something or many things to offer. Know what those assets are. If you’ve been networking for a while, chances are this capital can be in the form of valuable introductions. It’s the golden rule. When you talk to someone you are hoping they will direct you to a job lead or informational resource. Try to do the same for them. Always be thinking, who or what do you know that aligns with this person’s interests and aspirations that you could connect them with. And then be reliable about making email introductions. This is an easy favor that will come back to you. Resources, such as websites and blogs, can also be valuable to share. Make a list of your top favorite blogs or websites or job boards and share it. Or if you have another form of capital to share, do so.

10.Engage everyone you know: When looking for a job, send a mass email to a targeted group of friends and family stating what kind of job you are looking for and asking for ideas, referrals, company names, anything. This is how many people find their job. Caution: Choose your favors wisely. If you blast your network with requests daily, this may not be as fruitful.

11.Ask for referrals and introductions: When meeting people for informational interviews or what have you, always ask for referrals to others who would be of help. Networking should be a never-ending game, where leads lead to more leads.

12.Express genuine interest - ask questions and do your research: When you are meeting with someone new, do research beforehand so you have an idea of what they do and can speak intelligently about their company. That said, ask genuinely interested and thoughtful questions, which can be helpful to prepare beforehand. People usually love to talk about their work and love when people are interested in hearing about it.

13.Invest in your resume, bio, and job desires: When being introduced to others, it is essential to have an updated resume on hand to share (clearly). More than that, a bio can be especially helpful when you are networking with people who do not have jobs to give you, but have friends who may have jobs to give you. It is a less formal way of sharing your background in advance of a meeting that does not signal “I want a job” but instead “I want you to know a little bit about me.” It is also helpful to have an email prepared describing what you are looking for, with a list of job titles and industries you are looking at, as well as sample target companies.

14.Get specific: Career counselors have recommended many a time creating a list of your top target companies and sending this into your network to see if anyone knows anyone at any of them.

15.Keep in touch with your network: This is perhaps the hardest, but most important tip. Keep your network fresh. You don’t need to spend all day emailing people individually, but keep your contacts in mind and share pertinent articles, websites, referrals and other information, as well as finding other creative ways to keep your relationships alive.