Monday, October 6, 2008

Future Employment Trends

Trying to make career decisions can be difficult at best. Determining the best match for you based on a variety of factors, such as, training and skills, interests, personality, economics, and growth opportunity are important. Recently the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) published a report on 'tomorrow's jobs'.

The BLS examines the past and present to predict future trends in industry employment and the labor force. Population shifts affect the demand for goods and services, thus driving industry rise and decline. An example: an aging population trend can tip the demand for health care services. Additionally, technology and automation, and consumer demands can all impact employment trends in the United States.

Based on shifts in population demographics, technology changes and consumer demands, it is projected that by 2016 the fastest growing industries will be in service.

Health Care, Social and Human Services and Education will be the three fastest growing service industries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that more than 3 out of 10 new jobs (nearly 5.5 million) created will be in health care, social service, or in the public and private educational sectors.

Residential building and extractive related industries are expected to have declines in employment opportunites by 2016; such as mining, forestry and manufacturing. Also any service that can be automated by computers will continue to experience a decline in overall employment.

Some good choices for career seekers and students:

Anything in health care: from a Nurse Assistant (NAC) to Physical Therapist or Pharmacist- the health care industry is a very solid industry. Social and Human Services Workers can expect to have plenty of opportunity for employment. Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers and Chemical Dependency Counselors will also have plenty of employment opportunities.

Technical Support service workers will also be in high demand. Software, Web and Brand developers will be in demand. Network and Database services will have an increase in employment as organizations and businesses update the way they manage their data and overall services.

Education and childcare service employment will increase as employees seek more training to update their skills. 12 of the 20 top growing occupations require an Associate's degree or more, which will increase the need for post secondary education overall and related services.

Overall Service occupations are projected to have the largest number of total job openings in the future (by 2016). Replacement needs in the service industry as people 'age' out or transition to other industries accounts for 60% of all future employment demands. Of service jobs, the largest portion will require some professional development, training and/or education.

As the population ages, the need for social and health services is expected to increase, demanding trained professionals in those industries.

Automation will significantly affect individual office and administrative support occupations that can be done by computers. Automation and technology changes will also result in a decrease in jobs in farming, fishing, manufacturing and assembly, and other extractive industries.

For a complete report go to