Friday, September 26, 2008

New Beginnings

Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be. ~

Welcome Back to School and Here's to NEW BEGINNINGS!

Starting the new school year is difficult for both Staff, Faculty and Students. After having some time off during the summer to relax, it can be difficult to transition to the changes inherent in starting new classes.
For some students, this may be your first experience in college or another attempt at completing a goal that will lead to a new beginning or career.
Be kind to yourself by getting organized and giving yourself some self care also.
Some things that may help you:
  1. Organize your notebook, backpack and study space- so that each class is sectioned with; daily lecture notes, a schedule of assignment due dates and any handouts that are given out in class.
  2. Keep a calendar or day timer that lists all your daily assignments and schedule study times each day.
  3. Make sure to get enough rest and eat regular nutritious meals
  4. Schedule time to go for a walk, exercise, hang out with friends or family- you need to schedule down time to relax and unclutter your mind!
  5. Make sure that you have contact information for a few of your classmates and your teachers for each class- if anything is unclear, you may need clarification and having a contact list for each class ahead of time will aleviate undue stress if an emergency comes up or you need assistance with class information or homework assignments.
  6. If you fall behind or have difficulty in a class- communicate with your teacher; ask for assistance; utilize the free tutoring service that is available to students.
  7. Be kind to yourself- you can succeed!
  8. Take the time to keep organized and keep the lines of communication open- what seems like an extra hassle now becomes habit over time and saves you stress later!